License Scope Summary

Creators know what they are selling, collectors know what they are buying.

Private use/Non-Commercial exploitation

  • solely private and non-commercial use of the Work

  • right to exclusive ownership of the NFT representing the Work

  • no right to publicly use or display the Work (except as part of Collection and when listing NFT for sale) Detailed Private use/Non-Commercial License

Personal public display/Non-Commercial exploitation

Public display/Non-Commercial exploitation

  • public, non-commercial use of the Work

  • right to publicly display the Work in both digital and physical format, in public or private cultural institutions (e.g. galleries, museums) and virtual exhibitions

  • no right to obtain financial gain from displaying the Work Detailed Public display/Non-Commercial License

Reproduction/Commercial exploitation

  • public, commercial use of the Work

  • right to make copies of, distribute, and otherwise commercially exploit the Work, for any purpose

  • right to make and commercially exploit derivative works (e.g. merchandise)

  • no right to substantial modifications, adaptations, and edits of the Work Detailed Reproduction/Commercial License

Last updated